
Green Dreams: The Terrab Story

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Green Dreams: The Terrab Story


Terrab's Genesis: The Meeting of Minds

Meet the co-founders of Terrab: Kifah Nemer, a 23-year-old computer engineering graduate and Haitham Abou Ali, a 28-year-old with a BT3 Nursing degree and certification in accounting.

Both hail from different towns in the Chouf area of Lebanon, a region celebrated for its diverse biosphere, pleasant weather, and hospitable people.

Their friendship, sparked by coincidence six years ago and flourished despite infrequent meetings, each encounter reinforcing their close bond. The turning point came about a year ago when Haitham faced difficulties at his job in Saudi Arabia and was contemplating his return to Lebanon. It was then that Kifah, reaching out unexpectedly, proposed a business idea.

Just three days later, they began their journey with Terrab. 

Haitham finds inspiration in the stories of people he meets and the books he reads, drawing from figures like Steve Jobs and various philosophers. His interests include reading, writing, engaging in discussions about business and economics, and enjoying social outings and pool (billiards).

Kifah, on the other hand, is inspired by his love for nature, hiking, camping, and the work of others in similar fields.

The Role of the GIL Program

Nurturing Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Before embarking on their entrepreneurial journey, both co-founders engaged in training programs with
Rural Entrepreneurs, a local training center where they first learned about the Generation of Innovation Leaders (GIL) program implemented by The Nawaya Network.

While they attribute their foundation in theoretical knowledge to the “Reef” program, they credit the GIL program for fostering their creative thinking. The incubation phase was particularly transformative, with coach Hussein’s practical business insights crucial in bringing their idea to market.

Terrab Terrariums

The Birth of Terrab

From Cacti to Terrariums: Terrab's Evolution

Terrab, initially focused on cacti and small plants with a spiritual twist, has since evolved into a business specializing in terrariums. These self-sustaining ecosystems offer customers the chance to integrate nature into their urban homes with minimal maintenance. 

The GIL program, powered by UNICEF in Lebanon, and funded by the Government of the Netherlands and The Andan Foundation, was instrumental in refining their product and establishing a profitable business model. 

Terrab addresses the urban disconnect from nature by offering a maintenance-light piece of the outdoors. Despite the multifaceted challenges of entrepreneurship, from product design to customer management, Haitham and Kifah have navigated their responsibilities successfully, aided by quick decision-making and forward planning.

A notable challenge has been ensuring each terrarium’s survivability, a task they approach by offering guarantees, care instructions, and support through social media as well as instructional videos.

Both founders highlight the GIL program’s impact on their entrepreneurial mindset, particularly valuing the design thinking approach, the growth of their network, and the financial support which has allowed them to expand their product range and participate in multiple fairs where they’ve sold tens of terrariums.

Looking ahead, they aim to integrate terrariums into furniture designs, exploring new avenues in interior design. Their journey has taught them the crucial lesson that self-management is the key to successful business management.

Join the Journey: Empowering Youth Through GIL

Youth in Beirut can apply to the GIL program through The Nawaya Network’s website, and in the Chouf area through Rural Entrepreneurs

The Terrab Journey on Video

Watch Now!

Follow Terrab and order your terrariums on Facebook, Instagram, or through their website!

Program Partners

The Generation of Innovation Leaders program is powered by UNICEF Lebanon, and funded by the Government of the Netherlands and The Andan Foundation.